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The mail box

The AcyMailing blog, dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses who want to improve their marketing skills

How to create popups on WordPress?

Are you familiar with popups on the web? These pop up windows that appear during your navigation are often invasive and not well used. They harm your users’ experience. But when used properly, they can be very useful to brands and companies by helping them to get new customers. Indeed,

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AcyMailing 7.3 is out, what’s new?

AcyMailing developers did their best again this month. Many features, improvements and bugs have been updated. Here are the latest features to our AcyMailing 7.3 release. Non-transactional emails with Sendinblue ?  Sendinblue allows you to send two types of emails: Transactional emails (email for registration confirmation, order confirmation…) Non-transactional emails (newsletters,

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AcyMailing 7.2 is out, what’s new?

AcyMailing 7.2 is out ! Small features and improvements come in your plugin. A new external mailing service: Amazon SES ? Last month, several external email services were added to AcyMailing: Sendinblue, Mailgun, SendGrid and Postmark. Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) has now been added to the list. More multilingual

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5 Best Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

One of the most potent types of digital marketing strategy today is email marketing. With email marketing, you can easily take your business and blog to the next level at a minimal cost. It’s the real definition of little work for much gain. After setting up your WordPress website and

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New Feature: Follow-up newsletter

Widely used by companies, the automatic follow-up email saves time on your email campaigns. This feature is now available on AcyMailing newsletter plugin. No more need to plan every day, which mail and when will this mail be sent. You can schedule it whenever you want.  What are follow-up emails?

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New Feature: Email customization

Everyone has already received an automatic default email from WordPress. Here is an example: «  Your account has been created » or « Your password has been reset ». Have you ever dreamed of customizing these emails? The new AcyMailing feature allows you to change the structure and personalize these

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New Feature: Statistics

If you need to analyse the impact of your emails, this new feature is made for you. AcyMailing’s new feature allows you to have more information about your campaigns and subscribers using more accurate graphs and statistics. What’s new?   The new features are mainly in the “Statistics” section of

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Unlock your emailing powers

Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market