Added a new route on the REST-API to get statistics for every email from a follow-up
Bug fixes
Fixed the campaigns creation and templates selection step.
For the ElasticEmail integration, we added a verification on the access rights for attachments and fixed the attachments names when they contain characters not handled by ElasticEmail
There was an issue when trying to save K2 items, it has been fixed now.
AcyMailing 9.8.0
August 19, 2024
You can now override the email sent via the single contact email form in front-end
It is now possible to import Joomla contacts as AcyMailing subscribers.
[add-ons] A new integration with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin has been added.
You can now synchronise your Joomla! contact creation with the creation of AcyMailing user.
The ElasticEmail integration has been updated to use the version 4 of their API. It should improve the sending speed when attachments are on the sent emails.
We improved the security checks on file uploads: new rules and verifications when uploading a new template and removed unused code on the add-ons menu.
When importing new subscribers, columns are now ignored by default if they are not mapped to a custom field or a default field.
The list edition page is now divided in 3 parts to gain performance on the page loading time
The step by step guide on first installation has been greatly simplified.
Improve campaign selection page visual and usability
You can now add a specific bounce email address on every email campaign
You can now specify more mail parameters when creating a follow-up via the REST API
We adapted the AcyMailing code to better match the Joomla package guidelines. This should make smoother installations and updates and a better handling of plugin dependencies.
Bug fixes
[Editor] The text blocks can now be edited and dynamic content have the correct styling when applying the auto-save version of an email.
Remove some notices when using the mass actions for the first time
The v5 data migration could break in some cases depending on the lists access rights, it has been fixed now.
The click map is now compatible with links tracked using Google Analytics in the statistics of an email.
Fixed an issue that could occur when submitting a form with hCaptcha
Fixed an error when multiple subscription forms type popup are displayed on the same page
On WordPress multisite, we fixed the issue when a super admin created a new site, he could not access AcyMailing on it
Fixed compatibility issue with Divi Supreme Pro plugin breaking select fields
AcyMailing 9.7.2
July 16, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixed a PHP error when editing a subscription form module
Fixed a PHP error when editing a subscription form widget
AcyMailing 9.7.1
July 15, 2024
The default bounce message rules have been updated to handle more languages and add useful information to forwarded emails.
We improved the way updates are made with AcyMailing to avoid issues when using the Joomla auto-update page
Bug fixes
Fixed the regex verification for the custom field
We fixed an issue when saving AcyMailing users when custom fields with multiple options exist
We fixed an error message that could prevent credentials verification for the Mailgun sending method.
AcyMailing 9.7.0
July 8, 2024
You can now add and configure an unsubscribe survey with predefined answers on the unsubscribe page. The unsubscribe reasons will be available in the user's history and in the list edit page.
You can now use the follow-up feature via the REST API
The size of emails built with our editor has been reduced by 25% on average, which should improve the sending speed of your emails.
When importing subscribers, the default language will be automatically assigned if multilingual is enabled and no language field specified in import
The lists listing columns have been changed to improve the readability on small screens.
Improved campaign loading time, even for large campaign volumes.
When resizing images of content inserted in the editor like articles, we now handle images with an incorrect extension in their name.
Added an index on the column cms_id of the table user to improve the performance of filters on it.
You can now set the language of the subscriber when creating or updating via the REST API.
Added the possibility to directly insert a file link with the media manager when inserting a button in the editor
[add-ons] It is now possible to search products by product code in the HikaShop filters in the automations and follow-up campaigns.
We added the "Shipped" status for the VirtueMart filter: Purchased a product
[add-ons] We added the possibility to specify the menu item related to iCagenda events for a better integration in the emails.
[add-ons] The lists shown in Gravity Forms now show the list's display name when available.
[add-ons] Improved performance on integration plugins loading.
Bug fixes
We fixed the welcome and unsubscribe messages deletion on the list edition page.
Fixed the slide effect in the editor for some dynamic content options
Fixed a potential server error when saving an add-on's settings
The email field in the popup subscription form is now aligned in the center
Fixed a PHP deprecated warning that could appear when inserting a dynamic content in the editor
Fixed the save zone selection in the drag and drop editor, when you have several lines of zones, it could drag the saved zone from the line below
Fixed the display of override emails containing a “%” in the subject line, which caused a display error on the listing.
Fixed scrolling issue on some mobile devices on the available add-ons listing page.
Now, when unsubscribing from a follow-up, re-triggering it will not subscribe the user to the follow-up again
Fixed the error that occurred when typing an emoji in a custom field displayed in a subscription form.
Fixed mail history in user profile (horizontal scrolling and translation)
Two routes of the REST API were not allowed. It is now fixed
Fixed an error when a subscriber with no subscription is unsubscribing.
Fixed compatibility with some templates for the popup subscription form display after some time.
In some cases, the HTML structure of inserted articles could be broken if the article contained a separator and had a surrounding div element.
[add-ons] The Contact Form 7 forms with the AcyMailing integration don't subscribe the user anymore when a field is invalid.
AcyMailing 9.6.0
April 29, 2024
You can now set a high priority for follow-up emails, to make sure they are sent first when a big campaign is currently being
[add-ons] With EventBooking when you edit the custom view, the dates displayed are in the same format and you can now choose to display
more dates.
Bug fixes
The emails sent from an automation do not require an unsubscribe link anymore with our sending service.
The way the fail statistics are collected has been improved to avoid counting the same email twice in some cases.
The CNAME verification for the sending service now recognizes the new entries format.
The starting date of an automated campaign can now correctly be modified when using a language other than English.
[add-ons] Fixed an error that prevented the insertion of Event Booking events in emails
[add-on] Fixed Hikashop coupon display on email when the coupon code starts with a number.
[add-ons] The HikaShop filter for cart reminder has been changed to only allow a number of days, as it was originally intended.
We fixed an issue on Joomla 5 when trying to load translations, when using the AcyMailing code API.
[add-ons] Sorting events by date when inserting them by category in a newsletter now works correctly with The Events Calendar.
AcyMailing 9.5.1
April 10, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixed an error when updating to AcyMailing 9.5.0
AcyMailing 9.5.0
April 9, 2024
The new integration with is now available publicly. Easily automate your tasks and create your own workflows with
hundreds of apps!
You can now add a subscription optin checkbox in the new Gutenberg checkout block form of WooCommerce.
The campaigns created from a mailbox action that forwards emails to a list are now separated from the classic campaigns.
The MailGun integration via API now uses the Reply-To email address specified in the AcyMailing configuration.
The user fields inserted in emails are now formatted. For example date fields show the month name, phone fields show the
country code, etc...
The bounce details have been improved when you export the statistics full data.
When inserting Joomla articles with custom fields, the media fields are shown correctly and the subform fields are now handled.
Guest purchases are now supported by the action target Purchased a Product for WooCommerce automation.
Bug fixes
We fixed a compatibility issue that could occur for websites based on Joomla 3.
The Joomla modal is no longer affected by the AcyMailing styles.
We optimized the way the plugin is loaded by reducing the number of queries and the size of the data loaded.
AcyMailing 9.4.1
March 19, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixed a compatibility issue with Joomla 3 websites.
The insertion of Joomla modules in the editor was not working properly on Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.
AcyMailing 9.4.0
March 18, 2024
The new integration with Zapier is now available publicly.
It is now possible from the subscriber listing to subscribe and unsubscribe users from lists by clicking on the list icon
[add-on] A new integration with Membership Pro lets you filter AcyMailing users by plans they subscribed to.
The AcyMailing sending service options have been improved for mobile view, and tips have been added to guide you in validating
your domains.
A new option lets you choose if a play button should be added on the video thumbnails when inserting videos in the emails
On the campaigns listing, the corresponding mail ID has been added to make it easier to use the new REST API.
When inserting an unsubscribe link in an email, and having the option to add a List-Unsubscribe header, the direct unsubscribe
link is added in addition to the email sent to an admin.
We added a security to ensure that all emails and domains from the AcyMailing Sending Service are in lower case in the
When an A/B test campaign is based on the click rate, it is now calculated on the number of users that opened the email rather
than the number of recipients.
AcyMailing can now be used on Joomla 5 websites without requiring the compatibility plugin to be active.
[add-on] The links to categories, locations and registration page now use the specified Joomla menu ID if any, for the Events Booking
[add-ons] It is now possible to select product variations in the follow-up based on WooCommerce purchases.
[add-ons] It is now possible to select product variations in the WooCommerce purchase filter, and filter on multiple products.
In WooCommerce abandoned cart send settings, you can now choose to send the email based on hours since the order has been placed.
Bug fixes
The accents are now correctly displayed in select fields when building a subscription form.
The connection verification for the bounce address credentials now correctly shows a success message when the self signed
certificate option is disabled.
Fixed direct unsubscribe link not working for secondary languages in multilingual campaigns
For the send process, the multiple batch system now works correctly when the security key is active.
Fixed Mailgun embed attachment only embeding the first one
Fixed Mailgun BCC option only sending to the first recipient in the BCC list
Fixed compatibility with captcha SecurImage for subscription form on submit
Fixed the bug with Virtuemart integration that was not subscribing guest users to list when they checked the lists checkbox on the one
page checkout
[Hikashop] Fixed Hikashop filter on variant category
[add-on] The Memberpress integration plugin has been updated to take into account the new way to store custom fields.
Some users on starter version were not able to fast update their AcyMailing version, it has been fixed.
AcyMailing 9.3.1
March 6, 2024
[add-on] The links to categories, locations and registration page now use the specified Joomla menu ID if any, for the Events Booking
Bug fixes
We fixed an SQL warning that was shown during an update.
Fixed detailed queue delete button not working
Fixed database check integrity when checking default values
The bounce email address field has been fixed for AcyMailing Starter and Essential users.
The final version of an A/B testing campaign wasn't sent to the correct recipients, it has now been fixed.
[add-on] Fixed EventBooking insertion when creating event from the front-end
AcyMailing 9.3.0
February 26, 2024
Improvement of the bounce handling configuration and listing interfaces.
The List-Unsubscribe-Post=One-Click has been added to the headers of the emails linked at least to one list to follow GMail
guidance and to reduce the effect of anti spam filter on your emails
An "Unsubscribe from all lists" link can be inserted in the email editor, allowing receivers to unsubscribe with one click from
all the campaign lists they are subscribed to
Improve remaining credits message when no credits were used with the AcyMailing sending service
You can now export the unsubscribe date when exporting subscribers
The wording of the "Choose an action" drop-down menu in the Subscribers tab has been improved, making it consistent with the
Status. So "enable" has become "activate", while "disable" has become "deactivate"
Bug fixes
The multiple select fields now correctly show the saved value for filters in the segments
Fixed send test button in template edition not taking Save Thumbnail configuration into account
Security added on universal filter SQL request when adding ; character at the end of the request
Fixed multilingual campaigns when resending to new users only
Fixed the emails displayed when choosing existing emails in the "add an email into the queue" automation action
Changed API error message when trying to subscribe or unsubscribe non-existing users
Fix resend confirmation email action which sent twice the email if tracking enabled
Fixed CLI extension installation for Joomla 4
Fixed front listing action when SEF is deactivated
AcyMailing 9.2.0
January 29, 2024
It is now possible to choose a default template for new campaigns
A new REST API capability has been added to AcyMailing and can be activated in the security tab of the configuration
Added the possibility to change the user account groups with automations
The button to verify the AcyMailing tables structure in the configuration now adds the default values if they are missing on
some columns
Improved the way the phone custom field is handled when migrating data from AcyMailing 5
The way the click statistics are stored have been improved to increase load speed and reduce needed resources
Added a telegram Icon in the social media block
The queue listing has been optimised to handle a large number of scheduled campaigns and use less resources
The label is now displayed when inserting Joomla article custom field
A new option has been added to let you show the campaigns sent to allowed lists in the front-end management menu
With the EventBooking addon you can now use the category of the event as a filter in the automation
[add-ons] The WooCommerce last purchased products insertion is now available for guest customers
Bug fixes
The average click rate in a user profile is now correctly calculated based on click rate and not open rate
When modifying a saved start date in an existing automatic campaign, the date picker was not loading it
Attachments with an apostrophe in their name are now correctly handled
Excluded segments that contain an "OR" condition are now correctly handled when sending a campaign
Fixed vertical padding for mobile view in the editor
Fixed issue with date custom field insertion
Fixed the Open Graph metadata link in the header of the archive email
Fixed the access level check for allowed templates use on the front-end management menu when creating a campaign
Fixed the campaigns edition from the front-end management menu when the SEF is active
Fixed the default selected list when creating a welcome or unsub email from the front-end management menu of a list
Fixed a timezone issue when inserting Joomla articles with a date custom field when the timezone is different on the server and the
Joomla configuration
The click tracking has been fixed for auto-login links to inserted articles in some specific cases
Fixed front end listing actions when SEF is activated
Fixed PHP deprecated warning on PHP 8.1
Fixed Gravity Forms submission not triggering on the right action
Fixed Gravity Forms XSS security when inserting AcyMailing lists
AcyMailing 9.1.0
December 18, 2023
Display element's name that will be affected by an action in a listing
Possibility to change the display of the background image when you create a template and you can now add background on each
You can now use a different URL for the site and administration
Webp images of content inserted in emails can now be automatically resized if the server supports it
New options to load the subscription module scripts have been added
The language code used for links of inserted articles (articles with a restricted access) now takes the custom value set by the admin
Added compatibility with Joomla 4+ for the VirtueMart trigger on order placed
Bug fixes
Fixed the HTML tests for Outlook hiding the webp images for good mail clients
Fixed the queue process not showing the progress of scheduled emails
The email sendings don't count as failed for the recipients anymore when it is related to the sending service account (account
suspended, no more credit...).
Add security on statistics calculation in subscriber edition
Fixed stats line chart not showing november when filter by month is active
The links to articles when the auto-login is enabled are now correctly tracked when click tracking is enabled
The v5 data migration has been improved to keep the front-end edition capabilities
The creation of new campaigns from the front-end management menu has been fixed in some cases regarding access rights
Fixed the newly created option in Seblod content insertion for automatic campaigns
Fixed the Elementor form integration that was not sending the confirmation email
AcyMailing 9.0.2
November 9, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed the spam-test not sending correctly the test email
Fixed campaign listing not showing all campaigns
The A/B testing campaigns are no longer shown on the front-end campaigns listing for administrators
AcyMailing 9.0.1
November 9, 2023
When confirming a birthday campaign, you are now redirected to the birthday campaigns listing
Bug fixes
Fixed an error that send scheduled campaigns several times
Fixed a PHP error that could occur on the campaign listing
AcyMailing 9.0.0
November 8, 2023
AB Testing: improve both the open rate and the click rate by sending the best version of your campaign to your subscribers
You can now choose the authentication method for the SMTP sending method
Embed images and embed attachements are now available for AcyMailing Sending Service
The cached version of the archive page can now be refreshed before sending a campaign
The integration with the Brevo SMTP service now handles Brevo webhooks
Add the "Supers Users" group in the advanced permissions section
Add the "Administrator" group in the advanced permissions section
Bug fixes
The custom CSS option in the editor now correctly shows the stored value when re-opening the editor
Fixed the import into list buttons when importing site users while this import option was not selected by default when loading
the page
For some server configurations the attachments didn't work on campaigns because of backslashes in the upload folder path.
Fix thumbnail generation when saving templates
Fixed an error where the email was created multiple times
AcyMailing 8.8.0
October 24, 2023
New Brevo integration to send emails via SMTP, old Brevo integration is now deprecated
A button has been added in the configuration to activate the sending service of your AcyMailing license after switching plan.
Old option "Sending order" in the queue process is taken into account, but the option remains hidden in the configuration
You can now add a security key to secure the cron url when you trigger it yourself
Add an option to select order status for the HikaShop purchased a product filter
You can now use shortcodes in your mail content
Bug fixes
Fixed follow-up on segment condition not working if you have multiple follow-ups active
Fixed a PHP error that could occur when editing an email
Fixed sending the confirmation email twice when the add-on Create user is enabled
Modified the Joomla email override script to be compatible with Joomla 4.4 and Joomla 5
Fixed Table of content integration with Joomla 4
AcyMailing 8.7.4
October 9, 2023
add stat button on followup listing
Use Joomla proxy if it is set in the configuration
The date format of custom fields in dynamic content now uses the translation code
A malicious file detector has been added to automatically detect and warn you if a file has been created through the v6.7.0
vulnerability. It is available in the Security tab of the configuration, in the Advanced section.
HikaShop saves the order statuses in a new table. We now use it to get all the statuses in the automations.
Add an option to choose the way JavaScript is loaded for the subscription form via shortcode to avoid conflict with other plugins
Bug fixes
Fixed save and exit button on followup edition
Fixed javascript error when form popup is not displayed
Fixed an issue in multilingual campaigns always sending primary language when sending test
Fixed charset select on user import when using a CSV file
Don't give access to segments step in the campaign edition if user doesn't have the permission
The save and send a test button in the template now takes into account the template thumbnail generation option in the
Added the archive warning message for non connected user when opening archives on new tab
Fixed Brevo bounce and unsubscribe webhook not working if SEF is activated
Fixed error when importing a template in Joomla 4
Fixed the quotes when loading the latest version of a translation from the configuration
Fixed the Unsplash integration on front-end management pages
The Administrator user group can now be configured in the advanced permissions part of the configuration page
Fixed the Seblod content replacement in Joomla 4 for recent Seblod versions
Fixed the add-ons listing not loading
AcyMailing 8.7.3
September 6, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed an error on the editor
Fixed an issue that resend the multilingual campaign to all secondary languages when resending to new users
AcyMailing 8.7.2
September 5, 2023
[Editor] A new integration with Unsplash allows you to search and insert images from Unsplash using an editor block
Improve the user open statistics history save to handle duplicates from some mail clients.
Add logo X on social media icon
Bug fixes
Fixed the confirmation message for subscription form removing special characters
Fixed the first action on campaigns listing
Fixed an issue when downloading the subscribers import error file
Fixed the creation of templates coming from the dashboard link
Fixed deprecated warning for PHP 8.2
Fixed the unsubscribe header not added when sending with Sendgrid
Fixed issues on front-end editon on Joomla 4 websites in some cases
Fixed an issue when creating a cron task on you own server for Joomla 4 websites in some cases
Fixed the birthday email on Joomla field that was not triggered correctly
AcyMailing 8.7.1
August 17, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed the access rights verification for front-end campaign menus created with an old version
Fixed error on select statuses for WooCommerce order trigger in the automation
AcyMailing 8.7.0
August 17, 2023
Vulnerability patch
Security patch for AcyMailing enterprise users that actively use the front-end management. The vulnerabilities found can allow XSS
exploit, list creation and attachment removal. Find more information in
this dedicated article
[add-ons] Added compatibility with the WooCommerce High-Performance order storage option
We now make sure that all links open in a new tab in the view it online page or the archive page
Complete rework of the front-end management pages for users, lists and emails: fixed design and missing features and improved
Bug fixes
[add-ons] Fixed an error on the VirtueMart user creation integration with the captcha verification for old versions of VirtueMart
AcyMailing 8.6.3
August 7, 2023
Vulnerability patch
An XSS vulnerability that doesn't require an account has been patched
The AcyMailing sending service errors are now logged in the configuration page for easier debugging
Bug fixes
We don't create the PHP function getallheaders if it doesn't exist anymore to avoid conflicts with other extensions
In the mailbox actions, we fixed the condition of type list for the sender
Fixed the insertion of module in the drag and drop editor
AcyMailing 8.6.2
July 31, 2023
Added the possibility to use Joomla date fields for birthday emails
Don't unsubscribe from non-subscribed lists when unsubscribing with the unsubscribe button in the email
The send configuration has been simplified
Bug fixes
The automation trigger "On user modification" is no longer triggered when a user opens/clicks on an email
Fixed a PHP warning that could occur when an option in the configuration was empty
The campaigns can now be removed even if they have an archive version
Fixed an issue that could break the WooCommerce reset password link on some email clients like Outlook, when using AcyMailing
WooCommerce override
Fixed the user creation date timezone in the users listing
AcyMailing 8.6.1
July 19, 2023
[add-ons] Added the auto-login option for Docman and RSEventsPro
Bug fixes
[add-ons] Added retro-compatibility for old add-on versions
Fixed the birthday campaigns not filtering users correctly on their date of birth
Fixed an incompatibility that could occur on some servers to get the headers
AcyMailing 8.6.0
July 17, 2023
A new automation filter has been added, you can now filter users who didn't click on a link
A new automation filter lets you randomly select X AcyMailing users
A new content type has been added in the editor to insert Joomla modules in emails
The sent emails shown in the archive section and online version now show dynamic contents (articles, events, products...) that
were initially sent instead of being refreshed with the current data
A new default bounce rule has been added to handle suppression list bounces
When creating a new email from one of the listings, the corresponding email type will be automatically selected
The last send/open/click dates can now be exported when exporting users
The AcyMailing submenus are now hidden in the Joomla menu when the connected user doesn't have the required permissions
Added the auto login option on all add-ons, and it doesn't require the autologin system plugin anymore
Improved the compatibility with the WPML plugin for subscription forms
[add-ons] The recurring events are now handled for The Events Calendar
Bug fixes
Fixed error on subscription form when setting 0 to cookie expiration time
Fixed subscription form alert message not shown when no lists are selected
Fixed error on template edition when php configuration is too strict
Fixed error when filtering on segment in the segment tab of the campaign edition
Fixed error when counting users in the segment tab of the campaign edition
Fixed error when sending scheduled campaigns with excluded segments not working
The "Sender as Reply To address" option in the mailbox actions has been fixed
Fix the forward action in the bounce handling with the AcyMailing Sending Service
[add-ons] The automatic campaign option "Only newly created" is now correctly based on the creation date and not the starting date for
EventBooking, JEvents and RSEventsPro
DPCalendar emails with no recipients are not blocked anymore by email overrides
Fixed JavaScript errors on the configuration for permissions modifications
The disabled add-ons are not loaded anymore for Joomla 4 websites
Fixed date picker for JEvent event insertion by category
[add-ons] Fixed the jDownloads category title when inserting a download in a newsletter
Fixed an error message when loading a site page using command lines
Fixed last unsubscribe option in Gutenberg AcyMailing subscription form block
AcyMailing 8.5.0
June 12, 2023
Vulnerability patch
A vulnerability allowing template thumbnail filename modification when having access to the template edition page has been
patched. Find more information in
this dedicated article
You can now display a popup form when clicking on a button
A new option has been added to show attachments above the email content in mail clients
You can now see the status of your license in the AcyMailing Sending Service configuration
Improve handling of the unsubscribe links from old emails.
Improve the handling of the acl in the configuration
Improve the check of the unsubscribe link when sending with AcyMailing sending service.
Rename the database foreign keys and indexes to be more compliant with databases principles
The bounce statistics are now recorded when using Brevo
Added some securities when loading files for some server configurations
You can now put html in intro and post text of your subscription form on Joomla 4
[add-ons] A new option to specify the menu item ID has been added for EasyBlog
[add-ons] Improved compatibility with VirtueMart on some configurations
[add-ons] Only display published categories for VirtueMart product insertion
[add-ons] Improved the handling of JEvents custom fields
[add-ons] The HikaShop purchased products category filter now handles variant products
[add-ons] Added compatibility to VirtueMart 4.0.20
Bug fixes
Fixed follow-up duplication not working on some server configuration
Fixed mailbox actions migration issue on lists condition
Added a security on automations to not trigger "Subscribe to the follow-up" action on disabled follow-up
The sending date is now correctly shown on the archive page for multilingual campaigns
Fixed the bounces rules mass enable/disable.
Fixed the entity select when searching by email
Fixed spam test validation without unsubscribe headers even if you have an unsubscribe link
[add-ons] Fixed an issue with customers that purchased as guests in the VirtueMart filters
Fixed an incompatibility with Yoast SEO when saving a post with an AcyMailing subscription form in it
[add-ons] Fixed a warning message on insertion options for Modern Events Calendar
AcyMailing 8.4.6
May 15, 2023
Updated the Sendinblue API and logo to use their new domain/logo
Bug fixes
Fixed the saving of templates in editor not displaying the changes directly
Fixed the manual email sending when inserting Community Survey content in emails
AcyMailing 8.4.5
May 10, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where clicking the Save&exit button on a notification edition page would save but stay on the page
The cron report via email could be sent once a day even if no action was done
The confirmation and direct subscription links have been fixed when using the SEF option in the Joomla 4 configuration
AcyMailing 8.4.4
May 9, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed a confirmation message when subscribing through the subscription forms
AcyMailing 8.4.3
May 9, 2023
Vulnerability patch
A vulnerability allowing template thumbnail filename modification when having access to the template edition page has been
You can now choose to save or not users on the VirtueMart checkout if they do not subscribe to any list
Added a security when displaying subscription date on subscriber edition
In the editor, display Joomla custom article fields ordered by their Joomla order instead of alphabetical order
Bug fixes
We do not track google fonts links as clicked links
Fixed an issue with the datepicker format when changing the date twice
Fixed an issue with VirtueMart captcha not taken into account on user registration
Fixed an issue with VirtueMart coupon insertion in Joomla 4
Shortcode subscription forms now correctly include needed scripts
AcyMailing 8.4.2
April 24, 2023
Improve error report with attachments when sending with Elastic Email
Added a security on the subscriber's edition page for the subscription date of unsubscribed lists
Additional tips have been added on CNAME entries when validating a domain for our sending method
The social media follow links in the emails now open in a new tab
Added compatibility with JDownloads version 4.0.X or higher for category insertion
Add option to improve compatibility with specific templates for the AcyMailing subscription form on Joomla registration
Improved accessibility on notification messages on the front pages (confirmation message for user activation for example)
Bug fixes
Fixed a discrepancy in the number of recipients between AcyMailing and Sendinblue due to email addresses with uppercase
Fixed the daily cron not always triggered
Fixed issue with some malformed email header for the bounce handling
Fixed wrong number of displayed items on each pages in the archives listing
The HikaShop order status trigger has been fixed for multilingual websites
Fixed an error on the EventBooking integration when inserting events with individual registration links
Fixed article format selection when inserting articles in Joomla 4
Fixed incompatibility with Happy Elementor Addons breaking our select
AcyMailing 8.4.1
April 5, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed the detailed statistics page
Fixed the multilingual message in the configuration on first installation
Fixed an error message that was shown during the update
AcyMailing 8.4.0
April 4, 2023
[campaign] When you create a campaign, you can choose to include or exclude the subscribers of a segment
AcyMailing is now compatible with the Gmail feedback loop, allowing you to monitor complaint rates per email
Improved security and reliability of the AcyMailing Sending Service
The way custom permissions are saved has been improved
Compatibility with PHP 8.2 improved
[add-on] You can now specify the menu ID to use when AcyMailing builds the events links for EventBooking
Bug fixes
Fixed insertion of Dtext for custom fields with type file
The emails added in the queue in the automations are not resent to past users anymore for Sendinblue users
Fixed followup email stats details not loading on the followup listing
The custom fields of the user triggering an automation are now available in the emails added to the queue
Fixed error messages that could happen in the browser console in special cases
Fixed the follow-ups listing, emails could not be listed in some cases
AcyMailing 8.3.0
March 20, 2023
[editor] An image insertion icon has been added for text blocks
[addons] A new option is available when inserting articles if the autologin plugin is active
Improve error logging
[editor] The youtube sharing urls like "" are now usable with the video block
Add a security for broken images when resizing images
[addons] The integration for Community Surveys has been updated
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue for lists display name not translated in subscription form
Fixed campaign not sent on Sendinblue (if the email contains an area with several columns and a vertical padding between
Fixed Oauth2 configuration for Gmail showing more fields than needed
The subscription forms now correctly reload in the preview when changing options
Fixed the subscription forms edition page when having special characters in list names
Fixed article image in full width on Outlook windows
Fixed the segment users matching preview box
Fixed a security issue allowing to list site files from any folder when being granted access to the campaigns creation on front-office
Fixed an XSS vulnerability on newly created templates/emails
Fixed an error message that could be shown when an Elementor page had a multi-field option without label
Fixed an error when replacing shortcode in the content of a post made with Gutenberg
AcyMailing 8.2.0
February 20, 2023
[addons] New integration to insert Zoo content in emails
Display the custom fields checkboxes before the label in the backend
Updated AcyMailing widget for Elementor to remove deprecated warnings
Bug fixes
Fixed issue inserting video thumbnail if the PHP module allow_url_fopen is not enabled
The hideonline class now works correctly on Joomla sites and elements with inline CSS
Fixed issue campaign not sending on Sendinblue
Fixed issue on the subscriber listing in the frontend not deleting subscribers
AcyMailing 8.1.2
February 7, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed issue while saving a new email in the drag and drop editor
AcyMailing 8.1.1
February 6, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed the new language option on subscription forms when creating a form and previewing it in the edition page
AcyMailing 8.1.0
February 6, 2023
A new integration with hCaptcha has been added
You can select the languages for which you want to display a subscription form
New filters in automations and segments to select users which never clicked or received an email
An option has been added in the user export to export the subscription dates
You can now export subscribers filtered by segment
You can now use the 'hideonline' css selector as in acymailing 5, it allows you to hide content in the online version of
The search for campaigns and templates now handles non-latin characters
The captcha on the forms is now displayed at the end
Add an option to choose available languages on unsubscribe page between all website languages and languages selected in
multilingual option
The structure of subscription forms has been reworked to ensure compatibility of old forms with newly added options
Remove unnecessary tinyMCE attributes in the email content
The add-ons are now automatically updated after an AcyMailing update
Added compatibility with WordPress Bedrock
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue on the custom fields migration
Fixed issue on mailbox action when the emails are sent from Apple mail client
Fixed the background image selection on the subscription forms in popup mode
Fixed an issue with the library to parse CSS that removed the body tag in the email content
[editor] Fixed the editor media modal on small screen
[Unsubscribe page] Fixed the unsubscribe page that displayed all lists even if the option 'Display only the lists of the
campaign' was checked
[Migration] Fixed an issue with some incompatibilities between the database tables
Fix select render incompatibility with Happy Elementor
Fixed a warning message in the Elementor integration
[addons] The end date hour's timezone and event type 2 have been fixed for inserted EventOn events
Fixed specific timezone like UTC+5.45
AcyMailing 8.0.0
January 16, 2023
New mailbox actions system
New option to unsubscribe from a follow-up in the automations
A new integration with Uncanny Automator has been made
[add-on] New integration with Business Directory
The sending date of the monthly automatic campaigns was wrong and didn't take properly into account the minutes.
Allow to connect to the Outlook smtp via user/password
It is now possible to use the authentication via password for Gmail
You can now choose the redirection url of the unsubscribe page
You can now use a hook/trigger to modify the fields values when exporting subscribers
In the automation, you can now target users who have never opened any email
The CSS parser used by AcyMailing has been updated
The videos added on the editor now have a play button
Fix the resize for images inserted with any integration on Outlook
Fixed an issue with the special characters in filters
Add the override of the partial refund email for WooCommerce
Bug fixes
The subscription forms aren't removed anymore after failing to subscribe (wrong email address)
Fixed the time trigger every week on [day] at [hour] to be triggered just once in the day
The custom fields based on database values are now correctly shown on the subscribers listing
In the "statistics per list" tab, the "other" column will not exceed 100% anymore
Fix disabled button in the walkthrough when reinstalling AcyMailing
Fixed the CSS minified file attached to the emails
Fixed the name of the user encoding when exporting detailed stats
Fix for Google search console to prevent it to report 404 errors
Fixed the article 2 columns display on mobile
The lists access rights are not reset anymore when modified from the front-end