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The AcyMailing blog, dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses who want to improve their marketing skills

exchange on the calendar

Review : Modern Event Calendar for WordPress

Modern Events Calendar WordPress Plugin Review – Best Alternative to The Events Calendar If you are planning to publish events on your website or integrate a calendar into it, you should definitely read this article. Today we are going to go through one of the best event calendar plugin: Modern

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Qu’est-ce que l’automatisation des e-mails ?

Vous manquez d’efficacité dans vos campagnes marketing ? De nombreuses entreprises utilisent aujourd’hui l’automatisation des e-mails pour envoyer leurs campagnes marketing de manière plus efficaces. L’automatisation des e-mails permet d’améliorer l’expérience utilisateur et la relation client tout en améliorant la productivité de l’entreprise. Ce terme de plus en plus employé

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Comment obtenir plus d’abonnés dans sa mailing list?

L’e-mailing est l’un des leviers les plus efficaces pour communiquer avec votre cible et développer vos ventes. Pour élaborer une stratégie marketing efficace, vous devez développer une bonne liste de prospects à qui envoyer vos courriels. Une liste d’adresses électroniques de qualité contribue à la réussite de votre stratégie digitale.

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email list subscribers

How to get more email list subscribers?

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your target audience and increase sales. A great marketing strategy starts with a good list of prospects to reach out to. Successful digital marketing depends on the quality of your email list. When you’re running a business online,

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Guide complet des e-mails de bienvenue sur WordPress

Un e-mail de bienvenue est un e-mail reçu par un prospect suite à son inscription à une de vos listes de diffusion sur votre site internet. Cet e-mail d’accueil permet aux utilisateurs de se familiariser avec la marque. C’est la première communication par e-mail que votre client va recevoir de

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email automation

What is Email Automation, and how does it work ?

Have you noticed a lack of efficiency in your marketing campaigns? Email automation is gaining popularity among companies to improve the efficiency of their marketing campaigns. As a result, email automation can improve customer experience and relationship as well as the productivity of the company. This term is increasingly used

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Complete Guide to WordPress Welcome Emails

A welcome email is an email received by a prospect after signing up for one of your mailing lists on your website. The welcome email allows users to learn more about the brand. This is the first email your customer will receive from your company. Therefore, it is important to

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latest news subscribe update

AcyMailing 7.5 is out, what’s new?

The new version AcyMailing 7.5 is available on your plugin. Discover its latest features and improvements. Subscription form on Elementor ?‍?   After Gutenberg, the subscription form is now available on Elementor.  You can now use Elementor to create AcyMailing subscription forms in your WordPress posts. Elementor is a page

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poptin logo

How to create an exit popup on WordPress?

A popup is a window that appears automatically when you browse a website. Popups are advertising tools. They are used to encourage a user to complete an action on a website: to transmit an advertising message, to fill in a survey or a subscription form. The most commonly used popups

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top 5 emailing best practices illustration

TOP 5 emailing best practices

Emailing is the first acquisition channel for SMEs and an essential marketing tool for marketers. It allows both attracting and retaining customers. In your marketing strategy, you should not overlook emailing. Using it correctly can allow you to achieve a high conversion rate, so convert prospects into customers. Email marketing

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latest news subscribe update

AcyMailing 7.4 is out, what’s new?

Spring brings new features and improvements to your plugin. Discover now the features of this new release AcyMailing 7.4. Insert a subscription form from the Gutenberg editor ? Create subscription forms directly from your Gutenberg editor while editing a post or a page. You can customize all your form information:

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TOP 5 des meilleures pratiques de l’e-mailing

L’e-mailing est le premier canal d’acquisition pour les PME et un levier stratégique indispensable pour les marketeurs. Il permet à la fois d’attirer et de retenir les clients. L’e-mailing est un atout à ne pas négliger dans vos stratégies de marketing. Bien utilisé, il permet d’obtenir de fort taux de

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Spaceman Mascotte 2

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Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market