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Category: Best practices

Rédaction web

Complete guide to web copywriting

In a world saturated with online information, web copywriting has become essential. This introduction explores why it is essential, highlighting its crucial role in acquiring, engaging and retaining visitors, as well as asserting expertise and credibility online. What is web copywriting? Web copywriting is the art of writing content specifically

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Optimise your Emailing Strategy

Discover why using sub-domains is a winning idea! 🔎 What are domains and sub-domains? An email address domain name is the part of an email that comes after the @ symbol. For personal emails, this is usually gmail.com, yahoo.com or outlook.com. However, in a business context, almost all companies have

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AI to improve your blog

How can you use AI to improve your blog posts?

In today’s digital age, where content is king, as bloggers and marketers we are constantly looking for ways to optimise our articles to attract and engage a wider audience. One of the most revolutionary technologies in this area is artificial intelligence (AI). While this revolution may have caused concern in

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unsubscribe logo

Header unsubscribe

In the world of email marketing, every detail counts in maintaining a solid relationship with your audience. One of these subtleties is hidden in the “Header List-Unsubscribe”. If this term seems obscure to you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll help you understand what it is and

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Email authentification protocols

Understanding Email Authentication Protocols: SPF, DKIM and DMARC.

The rapid growth of electronic communications has brought considerable benefits, but it has also opened the door to various online threats, such as phishing and email spoofing. To strengthen email security and combat these threats, authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC have been developed. A comprehensive understanding of

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symbolize the change from 2023 to 2024

Must-Have Email Marketing Trends in 2024

In 2024, email marketing remains at the heart of marketing strategies, but its landscape is constantly evolving to adapt to changes in consumer behavior and technological advances. In this dynamic context, it’s imperative to stay on top of the latest trends to keep your campaigns relevant. As such, this overview

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