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The mail box

The AcyMailing blog, dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses who want to improve their marketing skills

deux figures d'acymailing

AcyMailing: 15 years of history, 2 key figures

AcyMailing is an extension specialising in emailing solutions for your CMS (WordPress and Joomla!). Launched in 2009, it has rapidly established itself as the benchmark for newsletters, with a community of over 60,000 users. To mark its 15th anniversary, we wanted to shine a spotlight on the company’s key figures.

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deux figures d'acymailing

AcyMailing : 15 ans d’Histoire, 2 PersonnalitĂ©s ClĂ©s

AcyMailing est une extension spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans les solutions d’emailing pour vos CMS (WordPress et Joomla). LancĂ©e en 2009, elle s’est rapidement positionnĂ©e comme la rĂ©fĂ©rence en matière de newsletters, rassemblant une communautĂ© de plus de 60 000 utilisateurs. Ă€ l’occasion de ses 15 ans, nous avons souhaitĂ© mettre en lumière

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AcyMailing translation for Joomla

How do texts get translated for Joomla? We initially included translations shared by the community in AcyMailing, but we lacked the knowledge to accurately judge the quality of the shared texts. We thus have a new way of handling translations that benefits both Joomla and WordPress users, while ensuring the

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AcyMailing translation for WordPress

How do texts get translated for WordPress? With AcyMailing, we use the standard WordPress translation system that guarantees the good quality of the translations: – The translations are first added by the community on this page– These translations are checked and approved by the translation team of each country– When 90% of the translation

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RĂ©daction web

Complete guide to web copywriting

In a world saturated with online information, web copywriting has become essential. This introduction explores why it is essential, highlighting its crucial role in acquiring, engaging and retaining visitors, as well as asserting expertise and credibility online. What is web copywriting? Web copywriting is the art of writing content specifically

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RĂ©daction web

Guide complet de la rédaction web

Dans un monde saturĂ© d’informations en ligne, la rĂ©daction web est devenue essentielle. Cette introduction explore pourquoi elle est indispensable, mettant en avant son rĂ´le crucial dans l’acquisition, l’engagement et la fidĂ©lisation des visiteurs, ainsi que dans l’affirmation de l’expertise et de la crĂ©dibilitĂ© en ligne. Qu’est ce que la

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stratégie marketing omnicanal

How can you use email in your omnichannel marketing strategy?

In today’s complex marketing landscape, where customers interact with brands across a multitude of channels, the question of how to effectively integrate email into an omnichannel marketing strategy is more relevant than ever. While social media and other digital platforms often dominate discussions, email remains a powerful and indispensable tool

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Spaceman Mascotte 2

Unlock your emailing powers

Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market