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The AcyMailing blog, dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses who want to improve their marketing skills

Email guide

2024 Email Compliance Guide: What’s New in Gmail and Yahoo!

As email platforms evolve, Gmail and Yahoo regularly introduce changes to their policies and requirements. Gmail has provided a detailed explanation indicating that implementation of the new standards will begin in February 2024. Similarly, Yahoo plans to implement its measures in the first quarter of 2024. These guidelines will apply

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Email marketing vs marketing automation : quelles différences ?

Votre entreprise a besoin de visibilité, de fidéliser les clients, d’augmenter son taux de transformation, en bref, de développer son efficacité commerciale ? Ces enjeux marketing ont de multiples solutions. Abordons dans cet article, deux solutions particulièrement intéressantes pour y parvenir : l’email marketing et le marketing automation. Quels sont

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10 exemples de marketing automation efficaces Ă  suivre

Apparu Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 2000, le marketing automation est au service des responsables marketing. Il sert avant tout Ă  automatiser les tâches rĂ©pĂ©titives. Son application la plus rĂ©pandue consiste Ă  personnaliser des messages en fonction de contextes prĂ©cis. Les utilisateurs les plus aguerris s’en servent pour suivre les

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Marketing automation en e-commerce : les meilleures stratégies à suivre

Le marketing automation agit comme le pilote automatique d’un avion sur votre stratĂ©gie marketing. L’utiliser permet de gagner en efficacitĂ©. Grâce Ă  ce temps supplĂ©mentaire, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur d’autres actions essentielles ! Un exemple concret de marketing automation est l’envoi automatique d’un email après un premier achat pour

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strategy for e-commerce

The best email marketing strategy for e-commerce

Email marketing is a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses. It allows you to send personalized marketing messages to your current and potential customers, and encourage them to make purchases or engage further with your brand. In this article, we’ll explore the best email marketing strategy for e-commerce, as well as

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Email marketing automation

Email Marketing Automation – Guide AcyMailing

Email marketing automation is a powerful tool for businesses to communicate with their customers and promote their products or services. However, manually sending out emails to a large list of subscribers can be time-consuming and inefficient. That’s where automation comes in. In this article, we will explore how to automate

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email marketing statistics

Email Marketing Statistics: Key Insights for 2023

Email marketing is crucial for businesses. However, staying updated with the latest email marketing trends and stats is important to yield better results. In this blog, we will be breaking down some of the top email marketing statistics and key insights for 2023 and beyond. Let’s dive in! Email Marketing

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email marketing campaign

Types of email marketing campaigns

Email marketing campaigns have become an indispensable part of any company’s digital marketing strategy. It is a way to directly communicate with potential and existing customers through their respective email addresses. This method is highly effective, as it gives companies the ability to personalize the content that they disseminate to

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acycheker blog

Email Checker – AcyChecker

âś… Why should you use a email checker? Nowadays, emailing has more than 3.9 billion active users worldwide. More and more users are signing up to newsletters on websites. This practice has become common practice for companies and allows them to inform and retain their customers thanks to a properly

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Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market