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The mail box

The AcyMailing blog, dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses who want to improve their marketing skills

stratégie marketing omnicanal

How can you use email in your omnichannel marketing strategy?

In today’s complex marketing landscape, where customers interact with brands across a multitude of channels, the question of how to effectively integrate email into an omnichannel marketing strategy is more relevant than ever. While social media and other digital platforms often dominate discussions, email remains a powerful and indispensable tool

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Retargeting par email

How can you use e-mail retargeting campaigns to engage prospects?

According to a survey carried out by the Toluna Harris Interactive Institute for Fevad, 9 out of 10 consumers shop online on all screens. Despite these figures, generating sales is one of the most difficult challenges in today’s competitive business environment. While it’s easy to attract prospects, the challenge lies

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Retargeting par email

Comment utiliser les campagnes de retargeting par e-mail pour engager les prospects ?

D’après une enquête de l’Institut Toluna Harris Interactive pour la Fevad, 9 consommateurs sur 10 font des achats en ligne tous écran confondus. Malgré ces chiffres, la génération de vente est l’un des défis les plus difficiles dans l’environnement commercial concurrentiel aujourd’hui. S’il est facile d’attirer des prospects, le défi

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Optimise your Emailing Strategy

Discover why using sub-domains is a winning idea! 🔎 What are domains and sub-domains? An email address domain name is the part of an email that comes after the @ symbol. For personal emails, this is usually gmail.com, yahoo.com or outlook.com. However, in a business context, almost all companies have

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AI to improve your blog

How can you use AI to improve your blog posts?

In today’s digital age, where content is king, as bloggers and marketers we are constantly looking for ways to optimise our articles to attract and engage a wider audience. One of the most revolutionary technologies in this area is artificial intelligence (AI). While this revolution may have caused concern in

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A/B Testing

Create A/B testing Campaign

Create A/B testing campaign This feature allows you to identify the most effective elements, making it easier to optimise your newsletter. It is the ideal solution for creating a high-quality newsletter. A/B and multivariate tests can be used to test scenarios and choose the best one. But what’s A/B testing

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Powerful tools

Powerful tools

In the world of e-mail marketing and web development, the quality and security of communications are essential. That’s why we’ve put together a selection of powerful tools to help you optimise every aspect of your campaigns and development processes. AcyChecker We are excited to introduce AcyChecker, a web content accessibility

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unsubscribe logo

Header unsubscribe

In the world of email marketing, every detail counts in maintaining a solid relationship with your audience. One of these subtleties is hidden in the “Header List-Unsubscribe”. If this term seems obscure to you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll help you understand what it is and

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Spaceman Mascotte 2

Unlock your emailing powers

Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market