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Category: Tutorials

New Feature: Email customization

Everyone has already received an automatic default email from WordPress. Here is an example: «  Your account has been created » or « Your password has been reset ». Have you ever dreamed of customizing these emails? The new AcyMailing feature allows you to change the structure and personalize these

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What’s the best time to send your emailing campaign?

5 min reading – Last update: February 21, 2023 BtoC/BtoB : what are the best times to send your campaigns? He results of your emailing campaigns depend on a large number of parameters: the business type, the product, the message… One of those parameters is the sending date and time.

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The ultimate guide to follow-up emails

How do you write a follow-up email that doesn’t get immediately swiped into oblivion? What should you put in your subject line to guarantee that the recipient opens it? What questions should you ask, and answer, in your follow-up email? How do you follow-up in a way that engages, rather

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Create your newsletter templates simply with AcyMailing

AcyMailing is easy to use and suitable for users of all skill levels. If you want to create your newsletter templates or Email Marketing to your WordPress / Joomla site or improve your email marketing strategy, AcyMailing could be a good option to explore. Here are some tips for creating

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How to do SEO on Joomla

Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the best SEO tips for Joomla. We’ve worked with Joomla for many years and understand the challenges you might face when trying to optimize the articles and pages on your site. We’re happy to share what we’ve learned with you!

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How to improve your opening rate?

Sending emailing campaigns is not easy for everyone and even the best marketers can see their opening rates go down. Do you want to level-up your opening rates? Here are the basic rules of emailing you must care about. Our advices to improve your opening rate The subject The subject

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