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The AcyMailing blog, dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses who want to improve their marketing skills

Email authentification protocols

Understanding Email Authentication Protocols: SPF, DKIM and DMARC.

The rapid growth of electronic communications has brought considerable benefits, but it has also opened the door to various online threats, such as phishing and email spoofing. To strengthen email security and combat these threats, authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC have been developed. A comprehensive understanding of

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symbolize the change from 2023 to 2024

Must-Have Email Marketing Trends in 2024

In 2024, email marketing remains at the heart of marketing strategies, but its landscape is constantly evolving to adapt to changes in consumer behavior and technological advances. In this dynamic context, it’s imperative to stay on top of the latest trends to keep your campaigns relevant. As such, this overview

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chargement GMAIL

E-mailing: Best Practices for Successful Newsletters

Outside of spam, 333 billion emails were sent worldwide in 2022. In the time it takes to read this simple sentence, over 100,000 emails have been received all over the world. With these figures, it’s hard to believe that email is dead and that social networks have taken over. Emailing

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Email Marketing vs Marketing Automation: What are the Differences?

Is your company in need of visibility, customer loyalty, increased conversion rates, and, in short, looking to enhance its business efficiency? These marketing challenges have multiple solutions. In this article, we’ll explore two particularly interesting solutions: email marketing and marketing automation. What are their advantages and differences? What is Email

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Email guide

2024 Email Compliance Guide: What’s New in Gmail and Yahoo!

As email platforms evolve, Gmail and Yahoo regularly introduce changes to their policies and requirements. Gmail has provided a detailed explanation indicating that implementation of the new standards will begin in February 2024. Similarly, Yahoo plans to implement its measures in the first quarter of 2024. These guidelines will apply

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Email marketing vs marketing automation : quelles différences ?

Votre entreprise a besoin de visibilité, de fidéliser les clients, d’augmenter son taux de transformation, en bref, de développer son efficacité commerciale ? Ces enjeux marketing ont de multiples solutions. Abordons dans cet article, deux solutions particulièrement intéressantes pour y parvenir : l’email marketing et le marketing automation. Quels sont

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10 exemples de marketing automation efficaces Ă  suivre

Apparu Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 2000, le marketing automation est au service des responsables marketing. Il sert avant tout Ă  automatiser les tâches rĂ©pĂ©titives. Son application la plus rĂ©pandue consiste Ă  personnaliser des messages en fonction de contextes prĂ©cis. Les utilisateurs les plus aguerris s’en servent pour suivre les

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Marketing automation en e-commerce : les meilleures stratégies à suivre

Le marketing automation agit comme le pilote automatique d’un avion sur votre stratĂ©gie marketing. L’utiliser permet de gagner en efficacitĂ©. Grâce Ă  ce temps supplĂ©mentaire, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur d’autres actions essentielles ! Un exemple concret de marketing automation est l’envoi automatique d’un email après un premier achat pour

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