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AcyMailing 8 is out with a lot of new features!

Spaceman Mascotte 2

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Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market.
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4 min reading - Last update: January 23, 2023

Welcome to the world of AcyMailing 8! I’m sure a lot of you must’ve been waiting for this new version of the plugin to come out. Well, the wait is over. It's time! 🕐

The new AcyMailing 8 update has arrived with a lot of new features and improvements that will make your newsletter and email marketing campaigns more effective very easily.

Let’s take a look at all the new features in AcyMailing 8 and see how it’s going to make your life easier.

whats new in acymailing

AcyMailing 8 is packed with a host of new features that’ll make your newsletter and email marketing campaigns more efficient and effective. Let’s take a look at some of the new features.

First up we have the mailbox action features, the second new features is the sending service, you can also find new integrations, new options and some improvements!

mailbox actions systems

In AcyMailing version 8, Mailbox Actions is a key feature that allows you to connect your mailbox via IMAP or POP3 protocol and perform automated actions on the emails it contains. This feature provides you with an efficient way to manage your e-mails in an automated way, without having to manually perform repetitive tasks.

There are four different actions you can perform with Mailbox Actions:

  • Forward the email to a specific email address: this action allows you to forward an email to a defined email address, which can be useful for handling support requests or forwarding emails.
  • Forward the email to a list: This action allows you to forward an email to a list, which will create a campaign and add it to the queue. This can be useful for managing sign-up or complaint emails.
  • Subscribe the user sending the email to a list: this action allows you to automatically subscribe a user to a list when they send an email to your mailbox. This can be useful for managing subscription requests or forwarding emails.
  • Unsubscribe the user who sends the email to a list: This action allows you to automatically unsubscribe a user from a list when they send an email to your mailbox. This can be useful for managing unsubscribe requests.

Mailbox actions are also easy to manage with search and sort filters, as well as the ability to create new mailbox actions. Columns displayed include the name of the mailbox, the email address of the connected mailbox, a summary of the actions performed and the status of the action (active or inactive). 

Mailbox actions are a great way to save time and manage your emails efficiently, making it a must-have feature for any AcyMailing 8 user.

AcyMailing's Sending Service is a new feature that allows you to easily manage your email marketing campaigns without the need to connect an external sending service. AcyMailing's new "Sending Service" pricing plan allows you to schedule, send and track your emails directly from your WordPress or Joomla site, without the need to use a third party service that may limit you by the opening hours or sending limits of external services.

The AcyMailing service is also very secure, ensuring that emails are delivered with great accuracy and without the risk of being blocked or marked as spam. 

how to install

Several new features and improvements have been introduced to enhance your user experience.

One of the new features is the ability to unsubscribe from follow-up emails in automations. Two new integrations are available with AcyMailing such as Uncanny Automator as well as a new Business Directory integration for WordPress platform users.

Several improvements have also been made to the platform. The send date for monthly automated campaigns now correctly takes into account minutes, and users can now log in to Outlook SMTP by user/password or use password authentication for Gmail. The platform also allows users to choose the unsubscribe page redirect URL and use a hook/trigger to change field values when exporting subscribers. In addition, users can now target people who have never opened emails in automations.

Other updates include updated CSS for AcyMailing, a play button for videos added in the editor, as well as fixes for resizing images when inserting them with any Outlook integration and issues with special characters in filters. For WordPress users, there is now an option to override the partial refund email for WooCommerce.

other features

Installing AcyMailing 8 is easy. All you need to do is download the plugin and install it on your website. Once you’ve installed the plugin, you’ll be able to start using all the features of AcyMailing 8.

So what are you waiting for? Get AcyMailing 8 now and start taking your email marketing and newsletter campaigns to the next level!

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