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TOP 10 WordPress plugins 2022 for a successful digital strategy

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Unlock your emailing powers

Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market.
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10 min reading - Last update: November 15, 2022

Want to create an effective digital marketing strategy for your business? Getting started with WordPress can be a daunting task. However, this content management system (CMS) supports a large number of plugins and extensions that can help you achieve your goals as effectively as possible. 

If you don't know where to start, the list of WP plugins below will help. They will suit any marketer who needs to build their brand online or those who want ease of use without the hassle of coding.

There are many different types of WordPress plugins, but they all have the same purpose: to extend the functionality of your website. Each plugin plays a unique and valuable role in helping your site achieve its goals (e-commerce, email, newsletter, chat, customer analytics, contact form, SEO, translation, security, dashboard monitoring, social networking, gamification, marketing automation and many more...). Read on to find out which plugins you need to succeed in your digital marketing strategy!


WooCommerce is one of the most downloaded open-source extensions in the world. It is a free plugin, adaptable to all WordPress templates that allows you to transform your website into an E-commerce site in just a few steps.

No matter what type of business you are and what type of sales you do, whether it's retail, site development or a service business, this extension combines content and commerce to give you the best possible business experience.

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Any type of sale possible: digital products, physical products, services, reservations, etc...
  • Free and complete functionality  
  • Easy, guided and fast configuration
  • It works with any theme you currently have on your WordPress site
  • Create your shop with this extension from your WordPress site
  • Set up an optimized delivery system

💸 Tariff plans:

Even if WooCommerce is free, you still have to consider the different costs (on average): 

  • Domain name: 25 € per year.
  • Accommodation: 140 € per year.
  • Customizations (template): 0 to 140 € per year.
  • Security: from 0 to 90€ per year.
  • And others according to your need!


AcyMailing is the solution you need to automate your emailing services. Customise your communication campaign with tailor-made email templates, you can even create your own! Thanks to the in-site dashboard you can follow in real time the statistics of your campaign and optimize it for the next ones. 

🥇The main advantages: 

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find two kinds of AcyMailing subscriptions: 

AcyMailing + AcyMailing Service: the price varies according to the number of users, if the number of users increases then the price fluctuates. 

  • Free entry plan for 500 users: this plan allows you to edit newsletters and have simple statistics.
  • Essential Plan from 29€/year for 500 users. In this version it is possible to have the following features: Powerful newsletter editor, simple statistics, your newsletter sent automatically, captcha, advanced statistics.
  • Enterprise plan from 78€/year for 500 users. In addition to the features of the essential plan it is possible to have: user custom fields, anti-spam test, bounce management, list segmentation and maximum emails sent per month.

For information, the essential plan with 100 000 users will cost you 1605€ / year and the company plan will cost you 4800€ / year.

AcyMailing only: 

  • Entry plan 0€ / year. Available for an unlimited number of websites.
  • Essential Plan 29€ / year. Available for 1 website.
  • Company plan 89€ / year. Available for 1 website.
  • Multi-site plan 319€ / year. Available for 20 websites.

A demo site is available to try this email automation experience. You can find the different pricing plans on the AcyMailing pricing page.

uncanny automator homepage screenshot

This plugin offers many features for marketing automation and other use cases. It has a visual interface that makes it easy to use and understand. Uncanny Automator allows you to automate repetitive tasks on WordPress by connecting triggers to actions.

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Easy data management
  • Effective dashboard, 
  • Intuitive automation of your tasks 

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here:

  • Pro: $149 / year.
  • Company: $249 / year.
  • Unlimited: $399 / year.

optin monster homepage screenshot

When you have a website, the ultimate goal is to convert visitors into leads. Although you may get many visitors, not all of them will become customers. That's where OptinMonster comes in. You can use it to add attractive pop-up windows and enquiry forms to your site.

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Lightbox pop-ups
  • Floating bars
  • Scroll boxes
  • Game wheels
  • Page level targeting
  • Detection of exit intention
  • Geolocation targeting
  • +100 Graphic models

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here.

  • The basic plan $9/month.
  • The plan plus $19/month.
  • The pro plan $29/month.
  • The Growth Plan $49/month.

wp umbrella screenshot homepage

WP Umbrella is a third-party plugin that serves as a multi-site management, backup, maintenance and monitoring tool for your sites. With an easy to use interface WP Umbrella is one of the most reliable and user friendly plugins for WordPress. 

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Single dashboard, 
  • Mass actions, 
  • Automated backups, 
  • Automated maintenance reports, 
  • Full follow-up, 
  • White mark

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the pricing of the extension here.

  • 1.99/month per site.

seo press homepage screenshot

SEOPress is an indispensable tool for any digital marketer. It allows you to perform keyword research, track your SEO progress and generate new ideas for your articles. SEOPress also offers SEO tips to help you further improve your website's performance. This plugin has a user-friendly interface, so you can easily understand what it does and how to use it. If you are looking for a simple and effective SEO plugin, we recommend you try the SEOPress extension.

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Maximum performance with the SEO metabox
  • Broadcast your images and videos to your audience
  • The plugin helps you write SEO optimized content 

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here.

  • Free plan: no advertising, white label and no data collected. 
  • Pro plan at $49/year: off-site SEO plugin and tools.
  • SEOPress bundle plan at $128 / year: all options included.

holler box screenshot homepage

Holler Box is a refreshingly simple extension for communicating with your site visitors. Less intrusive than annoying pop-ups, it is still a very effective way to announce a sale, collect email registrations, or even provide support. 

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Fully responsive: all windows are mobile-friendly.
  • Contact forms: collect information about your prospects 
  • Built-in mockup: adjust the settings you need and use the templates to create pop-ups. You can change the settings with CSS code.

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here.

There are 3 formulas: 

  • The basic package costs $120 for small sites just starting out;
  • The Pro plan costs $240 and is designed for small businesses.
  • Agency plan costs $600 intended for agencies

wp forms screenshot homepages

If you have a contact form on your website, you know how important it is to get your visitors to interact with you. A form on your website creates a connection between your potential customers and your business. When people visit your contact page, they want to know how to get in touch with you, what your opening hours are and if they can leave their name and email address in case they have a question. Adding a contact form to your website will make it easier for people to get in touch and build a relationship with your business. WPForms is a plugin that allows you to create contact forms and visitor surveys on your website. It is easy to configure and can help you collect valuable information from your visitors.

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Create your forms with drag and drop: without a line of code you can customize your templates.
  • Responsive design: works perfectly on mobile, computer and tablet.
  • Notifications: respond to your customers in real time with the notification system
  • Upload files: allow users to upload files 

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here.

  • The basic plan costs $49. 
  • The plus plan costs $99.
  • The pro plan costs $199. 
  • The elite plan costs $299.

wp rocket screenshot homepage

If you are looking for a way to increase the speed of your website, you should consider installing an optimization plugin to speed up your website. WP Rocket is the best plugin on the market. It will cache your images and content on the servers closest to your customers, making your website load faster. 

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Caching: caching of pages and images to reduce server load time and speed up your site. 
  • Code optimization: optimize CSS and JavaScript code 
  • Database optimization: clean up your database 

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here.

  • Single plan product updates and support for 1 site $49 / year 
  • Plan plus product updates and support for 3 sites $99/year 
  • Infinite Plan plus product updates and support for unlimited sites $249 / year


If you market a product or service in several languages, you probably use a translation service. A translation service is a company that translates your content into different languages. Unfortunately, translation services are not cheap. The more languages you need translated, the more expensive it is. Using a translation plugin will allow you to translate your content into multiple languages without the cost of these translation services. Polylang is one of the most popular translation plugins for WordPress. It supports translation into over 40 languages, including Chinese, French, Spanish, English and many others.

🥇The main advantages: 

  • Translate your content easily: publications, pages, media, categories, tags, widgets, navigation menus as well as URLs.
  • Easy to use: change languages easily and manage your different tasks with a simple and ergonomic interface!
  • SEO Friendly: Optimize your SEO automatically!

💸 Tariff plans:

You can find the different price plans here.

  • Free plan: free version. 
  • Polylang pro: €99 version. 
  • Polylang for WooCommerce : 99€ version. 
  • Polylang Business Pack: €139 version


The right digital marketing plugins on WordPress can help you increase traffic to your website, collect customer data and generate more sales. If you're not sure which plugins you need, start by creating a list of your goals. Although there are hundreds of plugins available, you can't install them all. You need to choose the plugins that will best help you achieve your goals. And remember that each plugin is unique and can do different things. You may need more than one plugin to achieve your digital marketing goals. If you have trouble finding the right plugins, ask your peers. They can recommend plugins that can help you achieve your goals. 

WordPress is a great platform with an ever-expanding selection of plugins. Choose the right plugins for your business and you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

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