Information : AcyMailing support will be unavailable for public holidays on November 1 and 11, 2024.
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Nous aidons les entreprises à se connecter avec leurs clients

Vous allez construire une communauté incroyable et vous ne le savez même pas !

+60k users

in +150 countries

25M emails

per month


awesome stories

The all-in-one solution for email marketing & newsletters in WordPress 🚀

Intégration transparente de vos applications

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Discover our features

Editeur Drag & Drop

Libérez votre créativité grâce à notre puissant éditeur intégré et créez des designs époustouflants qui captiveront votre public.

Marketing Automation

Rationalisez et automatisez vos communications sans effort grâce à nos outils puissants, pour gagner du temps et maximiser votre efficacité.

Séquences de marketing

Créez des séquences marketing convaincantes qui guident votre public à travers un parcours personnalisé, renforçant ainsi l'impact de votre marque.

Augmenter la délivrabilité

Augmentez les taux de délivrabilité de email grâce à notre service d'envoi fiable, garantissant que vos messages atteignent la bonne boîte de réception à chaque fois.


Protégez votre réputation grâce à notre test SPAM intégré, qui garantit que vos e-mails passent les filtres et arrivent directement dans la boîte de réception de votre public.

Segment d'utilisateurs

Exploitez la puissance de la segmentation de l'audience pour adapter votre message à des groupes spécifiques, en stimulant l'engagement et en favorisant les conversions.

Trusted by over +60 000 clients clients worldwide

Directement dans la boîte aux lettres

Awesome​ deliverability

Ensure the true value of emails by guaranteeing their delivery to your customers’ inboxes. With our AcyMailing sending service, managing your sending reputation and avoiding the dreaded spam folder becomes effortless.

Trust AcyMailing, the flexible email marketing software, to elevate your email communication. Personalize your email marketing campaigns and ensure they resonate with your audience. Our intuitive email marketing tool enables email marketing personalization, ensuring that your messages are seen and appreciated by your target audience, leading to higher email campaign conversion rates.

Drop it like a boss

Powerful​ build-in editor

Create stunning, mobile-friendly emails effortlessly using our editor. Whether you prefer to start from scratch or choose from a diverse range of pre-designed templates, crafting your message is a breeze.

With AcyMailing drag-and-drop Editor, customize your emails with branded & dynamic content, images, links, and videos in just a few minutes. Rest assured that your emails will always look impeccable as our templates are responsive and optimized for every email client and screen size.

Assurer le suivi

Statistics at its finest​

Discover valuable insights with AcyMailing’s advanced click tracking, allowing you to identify engaged subscribers and the most popular links through a detailed heat map.

Measure your email marketing conversion by tracking website visits, page views, and visitor duration, providing a clear gauge of your newsletter’s effectiveness. Armed with comprehensive analytics, you can make informed marketing decisions, optimize content, and boost conversions.

Drive success with AcyMailing’s powerful tools, ensuring your newsletters resonate with the audience and lead to increased engagement and customer conversion. Leverage these insights to refine your email marketing strategy and achieve superior results.

Need help ?

You're lost ?

Visit our pricing page to discover all the options available to you with AcyMailing. Our plans are tailored to your needs.

Acymailing + sending service

Want to know more about our sending service? Read our detailed article on how it works and what it can do for you.